Dignity and justice, for all

At Justice for Migrant Families, we envision a world that supports systems characterized by equity, dignity, justice, and radical welcome for people who migrate. We envision a world in which stories of people and places are honored, stories of indigeneity, migration, and interconnection, and where we also remember the story of how we dismantled the detention system and began healing from it.

Working together to support each other

Batavia Hotline

We operate a phone line to help connect folks with support who are being detained or released from the Batavia ICE detention center

While detained: 716-427-4917

Post release: 716-202-0611

Pen Pal and Book Exchange Programs

Connects folks who are detained at Batavia Holding Center with a pen pal. Our book program fufills book requests for folks detained at Batavia

Direct Support / Migrant Accompaniment Program (MAP)

We provide direct assistance and support to people in our community by providing accompaniment to appointments and referrals to resources

Release support

We meet and support people as they are released from immigrant detention and reunite with family and friends.

Post release: 716-202-0611

Organizing and Advocacy

We organize for intersectional, systemic change in the context of immigrant justice

Office/ Oficina: 716 575 9110

Batavia Hotline/ Línea para personas detenidos en Batavia: 716 427 4917

Release Support Hotline/ Línea para personas saliendo de Buffalo, asistencia al estación: 716-202-0611

371 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, NY 14202

Email: info@jfmfwny.org

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